My design for Engaging Education, an organization from UCSC, got picked and its in the process of being printed. Yayuh, I finally feel like I did something as an active student... student activist!
*(update) Shirts are printed and they look great. Notice how i included a certificate and a stole...
Puhaha, check out what i made for class. Its gonna be the opening page for my site. click here update with working link
ps. I have a couple updates, but i havent found time to post them... so they're probably not updates anymore, but i will definitely post them later... in a couple weeks maybe.
The guys over at Aristocrats just had their grand opening over last weekend. The boutique is super clean and they have a nice selection of clothing and figures. Check them out at Aristocrats, store location is 161 Jackson St, San Jose, CA 95112. Here are a couple snaps I was able to get, SJ on the come up!
This blog helps me share my art with everyone. It also allows me to share/ show different kinds of medias in art; paintings, drawings, mixed media, photography, poems, photo shop, illustrator, etc. There will also be quest artists' posts from time to time. Check it for weekly updates. B$!